
¿Cómo funciona el product bidding?

Entropy connects to your Google Adwords and Merchant Center account in order to bid dynamically for every individual product you have. This way you will always have most efficient bid for every one of your products. Entropy's Artificial Intelligence Engine takes into account factors like the brand, product type, category, price range, search demand among other factors to make these decisions.

¿El bidding en Entropy solo funciona para mis productos más vendidos?

No, Entropy will optimize all of your products continually so that they are all in a profitable level of spending. Entropy will define the optimal Cost Per Click for every one of your products.

¿Qué sucede con mi campaña en Google Ads cuando comienzo a trabajar con Entropy?

Entropy generates a new campaign in your Adwords account. However, is not necessary to implement manual changes in your campaigns using Adwords Interface once Entropy starts working. Please make sure your old campaigns are paused so that there is no interference with Entropy’s campaign. In case you decide to restart your old campaigns, you can do so without any additional setup. Entropy will add up to 16,000 different locations, all available audiences, including similar audiences, will also change the bid modifier percentage for the different devices of your users.

¿Por qué no veo un incremento en mi tasa de conversión cuando elijo la opción “Mazimize Conversion”?

It might take a few days on depending on your budget and the amount of clicks you are getting for Entropy to start making measurable changes in your campaign’s performance. There are other factors that might be affecting your campaign’s performance. Please contact the Entropy Support Team and we can help you doing an account review to diagnose the problem

¿Cómo sé qué estrategia utilizar para mi tienda en línea? (Maximize clicks, conversiones, impresiones o ventas)

If you already have your conversion tags properly configured, reporting conversions and their value then our recommendation is to always use Maximize Revenue. If have conversions registered but not their value, you can use it to manage maximize conversions. If you have a branding objective and would like to generate as much traffic or impressions as possible at the minimum cost possible than we recommend using Maximize Impressions and or Clicks. If you have any other question as to what optimization strategy is best for you, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are happy to help.

¿Puedo ajustar mi presupuesto para gastar menos durante los fines de semana o días en específico?

Absolutely. We are working on implementing controls for in Entropy’s Dashboard so you can do this manually. Meanwhile, please contact our customer support team and let us know about your needs.

¿Aún no te decides? Contáctanos.

We can explain the process to you and help you understand why Entropy would be a good fit for your company. Send us your email and we’ll be in touch soon.

Alcanzar resultados en tus campañas nunca había sido tan fácil

Comienza a usar Entropy y mejora la calidad de tráfico de tu sitio, con un presupuesto siempre controlado y con mejores resultados en tus campañas de Facebook y Google. ¡Aumenta tus ventas ahora!

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